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29 September 2011
Security Sector Reform in Authoritarian Regimes: The OSCE experience of Police Assistance Programming in Central Asia
Just published: the latest issue of Security and Human Rights
In memoriam Max van der Stoel 1924 – 2011
EU involvement with the Transdniestrian conflict
The Astana Summit: A Triumph of Common Sense
From Corfu to Astana: The way to the 2010 OSCE summit
Can a Summit Advance the OSCEs Work in the Human Dimension?
Editorial: Rethinking European Security, principles and practice
Improving OSCE election observation
OSCE’s police-related activities: Lessons-learned during the last decade
Is this any way to run an organization? Reflection on OSCE employment policies
The OSCE Chairmanship: Captain or Figurehead?
The OSCE norms and activities related to the Security Sector Reform: An incomplete puzzle