- Central Asia and Afghanistan
- Central Asia: Contemporary Security Challenges and Sources of State Resilience
- Afghanistan 2014: Shadows over Central Asia?
- The Effects on Tajikistan of Security Developments in Afghanistan since 2001
- When Security Threatens Human Rights: Reviewing the Case of Central Asia
- State, Criminality and Security in Central Asia: What Do Eurasian Regional Organizations Contribute to Security and Peace?
- The Concept of Preventive Diplomacy and Its Application by the United Nations in Central Asia
- Youth and Democracy: The Promotion of Youth Participation by the International Community in Kosovo
- OSCE Chronicle
- Book Review: Tore Bjorgo, Strategies for preventing terrorism, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, xi + 116 pp., 201
- Book Review: Bjørn Møller, European Security: the Roles of Regional Organisations, Ashgate, 2012, 516 pages, ISBN 978-1-4094-4408-4, price 75 GBP / 130 USD