Just published: the latest issue of Security and Human Rights
Journal06 July 2011
In this issue of Security and Human Rights several authors reflect on developments, draw attention to problems and contribute to the policy-making discourse in the field of protecting and promoting human rights in a world faced with serious threats to security.
This issue features:
- In memoriam Max van der Stoel 1924-2011, by Walter Kemp
- The challenges of OSCE electoral assistance in the former Soviet Union, by Max Bader
- Dealing with transnational terrorism, the concept and practice of Joint Investigation Teams, by Edwin Bakker and Joseph Powderly
- Kosovo: what the EU should not be expected to do, by Marianne Ducasse-Rogier
- Not that bad: looking back on 65 years of nuclear non-proliferation efforts, by Sico van der Meer
- The OSCE Chairmanship-in-Office’s election procedure: is there a need for formalized criteria, by Cecile Vandewoude
- One year after the June 2010 events in Kyrgyzstan: the possible implications for regional security, by anonymous author
- Turmoil in the Arab world: OSCE offers assistance for transistion, chronicle by Arie Bloed
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