Security and Human Rights Monitor The Security and Human Rights Monitor (SHR Monitor) is a multifaceted platform that provides analysis on the work of the OSCE, as well as on security and human rights challenges stemming from the OSCE region and beyond.
18 December 2018
Мир – это локальный процесс Д-р Анна Матвеева
13 December 2018
“The time for youth to unify is right now” Interview with the winners of the 2018 Max van der Stoel Award
11 December 2018
OSCE Ministerial Council in Milan: Expressing differences rather than resolving them
29 November 2018
Under Pressure: The Uncertain Future of the OSCE Structured Dialogue
28 November 2018
Italian OSCE Chairmanship: Implementation of OSCE Human Rights Commitments
14 November 2018
Max van der Stoel Award Presented to Jajce Students from Bosnia and Herzegovina
06 November 2018
Counting down to Milan: What can the Italian OSCE Chairmanship deliver?
16 October 2018
Reforming the OSCE: Between Continuity and Change
18 September 2018
The importance of human rights cities
17 September 2018
“Linking human rights to lasting security and cooperation”
30 August 2018
“Guaranteeing security to our citizens must be our guiding star”
23 August 2018
What to do with terrorists released from prisons – A task beyond government control?
15 August 2018
New Editor in Chief and Call for Articles for the Security and Human Rights Monitor
Building Security Through Cooperation
The Security and Human Rights Monitor (SHRM) provides regular updates on topical developments relevant to the mandate of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). The publications on this website are meant to stimulate dialogue and debate and / or inform readers on issues related to security and human rights.
The publication of the Security and Human Rights Monitor is made possible through the generous financial support of the governments of Austria, Liechtenstein, and the Netherlands.
The major themes include:
- Conflict prevention
- Human Rights
- Minorities
- Democracy building
- Cooperative security