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Security and Human Rights Monitor The Security and Human Rights Monitor (SHR Monitor) is a multifaceted platform that provides analysis on the work of the OSCE, as well as on security and human rights challenges stemming from the OSCE region and beyond.
25 July 2018
“Finding the Balance between Great Potential and Great Tension”
Slovakia to promote effective multilateralism during 2019 OSCE Chairmanship
Perceptions of the OSCE in Europe and the USA
Trump-Putin summit in Helsinki: Breaking the ice or freezing it further?
“I am confident that a settlement is possible”
Multilateralism at work: The OSCE Asian Partnership for Co-operation
Peace is a local process
“Ukraine matters to all of us”
“Austria will do its utmost to make multilateralism matter again”
Three ways to reform the OSCE leadership model
“The OSCE needs to be made more fit for purpose”
Italian OSCE Chairmanship promotes social and green entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean region
“Quiet diplomacy may have to be replaced with a more vocal engagement”

Building Security Through Cooperation

The Security and Human Rights Monitor (SHRM) provides regular updates on topical developments relevant to the mandate of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). The publications on this website are meant to stimulate dialogue and debate and / or inform readers on issues related to security and human rights.

The publication of the Security and Human Rights Monitor is made possible through the generous financial support of the governments of Austria, Liechtenstein, and the Netherlands.

The major themes include:

  • Conflict prevention
  • Human Rights
  • Minorities
  • Democracy building
  • Cooperative security
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