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Security and Human Rights Monitor The Security and Human Rights Monitor (SHR Monitor) is a multifaceted platform that provides analysis on the work of the OSCE, as well as on security and human rights challenges stemming from the OSCE region and beyond.
06 December 2017
OSCE Ministerial Council to Open in Vienna Tomorrow Amid Continuing Tensions Between East and West
Vienna International Talks on Transdniestria Achieve Significant Progress
Interpreting History: Interview with Pavel Palazhchenko
OSCE Structured Dialogue: Countering the Risk of Military Escalation in Europe
The Security and Human Rights Special Issue on OSCE Mediation and Conflict Management: the Introduction and Conclusion
Independent National Human Rights Institutions under Threat in the OSCE Region
Women for Stability and Security: Women’s Engagement in Military International Verification Activities
Reparations After Conflict-related Sexual Violence: the Long Road in the Western Balkans
Book Review: Grand Bargain or Grand Illusion? A New Security Architecture for Eastern Europe
Engage! Why the EU should talk with the Eurasian Economic Union
Advantages of a Civilian Mission: Keeping the Peace in Ukraine
For a Balanced Peace: First Steps out of the Security Deadlock in (Eastern) Europe
Security and Human Rights Monitor Holds Visibility Event in Vienna

Building Security Through Cooperation

The Security and Human Rights Monitor (SHRM) provides regular updates on topical developments relevant to the mandate of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). The publications on this website are meant to stimulate dialogue and debate and / or inform readers on issues related to security and human rights.

The publication of the Security and Human Rights Monitor is made possible through the generous financial support of the governments of Austria, Liechtenstein, and the Netherlands.

The major themes include:

  • Conflict prevention
  • Human Rights
  • Minorities
  • Democracy building
  • Cooperative security
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