Photo c/o: ETH Zürich

The OSCE Focus 2019: Building a Vision of the Future Conference
On the 18th and 19th of October, the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF) together with the ministries of foreign affairs of Albania, Italy, Slovakia and Switzerland, and the Center for Security Studies (CSS),ETH Zürich organised the OSCE Focus 2019 ‘Building a Vision for the Future’ conference in Geneva. Over 45 high-ranking officials, consisting of the representatives of OSCE participating States, senior officials of the OSCE, and those representing the civil society, the think tank community and multilateral organizations joined to discuss the challenges and opportunities faced by the OSCE.
The conference both looked back critically at some of the challenges from the past and present environment. The participants also, as the title suggests, discussed the desire and positive vision for the future and the role of the OSCE in the current and future political climate of the OSCE participating States.
A recent report published highlights some of the key reflections from this conference. Click here to access the publication.
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